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A Company Secretary is one such professional who is responsible for efficient management of the corporate sector. A Company Secretary is a very important member of the company’s management. In essence, a company secretary is a specially designated officer whose duty is to ensure compliance of various legislations. By various enactments, he has been recognised as one of the principal officers of the company.

By reviewing statutes and corporate by-laws, from which the powers and duties of the Company Secretary are derived, one could conclude that the Company Secretary is expected to be a sort of combination of advisor and custodian. Company Secretaries are the primary source of advice on the conduct of business and this can span everything from legal advice on conflicts of interest, through accounting advice on financial reports, to the development of strategy and corporate planning.


The Company Secretary ensures that an organization complies with relevant legislation and regulation, rules, guidelines etc, and keeps board members informed of their legal responsibilities. Company Secretaries are the company’s named representative on legal documents, and it is their responsibility to ensure that the company and its directors operate within the law. It is also their responsibility inter alia to register and communicate with shareholders, to ensure that dividends are paid and to maintain company records, such as lists of directors and shareholders, and annual accounts.


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